
5 ways to restore broken cosmetics to look new again!

Girls will experience cosmetic problems. For example, eyeliner can’t write well, accidentally drop powder cartridges or even the mascara that was used until they ran out, but then the color got dry because it didn’t close properly. Today, ACU PAY will talk about ways to restore our broken cosmetics to look new again.

‘Sweetener’ can be as bad as sugar if we consume lots of it.

Many people might have heard or thought that sweetener in beverages means less sugar in consumption. However, in mid-May 2023, the World Health Organization issued a warning about “sugar substitute” or non-sugar sweeteners as a long-term health risk that does not benefit the body in controlling or losing weight either in adults or children. In addition, continuous consumption may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and death in adults.

What will happen to our skin if we do not apply sunscreen?

Being exposed to a little sunlight in the morning is good for your health to receive Vitamin D. However, if the light exposure of the sun is too much or the sunlight is too strong, especially the sunlight in Thailand, it is not good and you should avoid it immediately. Today, ACU PAY will show you what will happen to your skin if you do not apply sunscreen.

Quiet Luxury Trend, Simple but Luxurious.

When luxury fashion trends don’t have to shout with big logos, but just whisper in a low voice with fabric quality and sewing, they get goosebumps with luxury. The fashion trend that is on the rise in 2023 is ‘Quiet Luxury,’ or Luxury in Silent. What does this trend mean and what celebrities wear the clothes in this trend? Today’ ACU PAY will take you to get to know about this trend.