
Reveal the history of The Great Wall

Certainly, there is no one who has never heard of The Great Wall, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is a great and resplendent ancient civilization. This time, ACU PAY will introduce the history of The Great Wall. If you’re ready, let’s go!

The origin of The Great Wall

The Great Wall is a wall with fortresses on the wall periodically. Most of the walls were built during the Qin Dynasty to prevent invasion from the Huns since the Zhou Dynasty because they would invade China along the southern border. During the Qin Dynasty, the Ten Thousand Li Wall was ordered to be built along the border to prevent the Xiongnu and Turks who invaded from the north. Although the nomadic tribes from the north were much less populated than the Chinese, they were good at fighting when they were on horseback, armed with bows and arrows. In addition, the northern people group was highly tolerant of the adverse environment, so they posed a serious threat to the military.

Emperor Qin Shi Huang performed absolute unification in 221 BC and began a project to build a fortress and the walls to connect with other walls of different regions which eventually became one long wall. According to legend, the Great Wall of China was modeled after a “dragon,” which in China, dragons are symbolic animals that show protective power. If you look at it closely, the Great Wall looks like a dragon curled up over the mountains, as if it were protecting its territory.

9 fortresses of The Great Wall

  1. Juyongguan The closest fortress to Beijing. It is away from Beijing for about 50 kilometers. This fortress is famous for its beauty of scenery. There are also temples, gardens, and inscription of languages spreading around 
  2. Badaling It is the most convenient way to go. It is about 82 kilometers northwest of Beijing. There are cable cars and trams. Most importantly, there are many restaurants as well.
  3. Mutianyu This is the fortress that gets the most restoration till it looks like the original version. This is only 70 kilometers away from Beijing and also has cable cars.  
  4. Jinshanling This fortress is quite old and far from Beijing. Thus, it does not get a lot of attention from tourists. However, during autumn, this fortress has the most beautiful scenery since you can see color-changing leaves all over the place.
  5. Simatai This is the fortress which is the most famous for its beauty. Located on a steep mountain range, surrounded by a large ancient community with six-star hotels, restaurants, and local shops. It is located 140 kilometers from Beijing.
  6. Jiankou It is perfect for those who like challenges because this fortress is located on a cliff that has not been restored. Thus,  the ancient wall of China is still intact.
  7. Huanghuacheng It is located next to the waterfront in Huairou District, north of Beijing, which is about 70 kilometers away and built along the mountains that surround a huge lake. You can fully enjoy the beauty of the lake and nature.
  8. Jiayuguan Located on the west coast of Jiayuguan, Gansu Province. It is characterized by a wall built of smooth yellow brick that harmonizes with the Gobi Desert around the surrounding area. Inside the fortress, there are Jiayuguan Temple, China’s Great Wall Museum, and the ancient Chinese Theater.
  9. Shanhaiguan The last fortress is at the end of the Great Wall, next to the sea where you can see the majestic mountains scenery and seas on the wall.

Currently, the Great Wall that we see (including those that are not allowed to visit) is only one-third of all. Most of them have been eroded over time, including a lack of adequate care. If any of you haven’t tried to visit the Great Wall yet, you should visit once in your life and you will definitely appreciate it.

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ACU PAY Thailand

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