Personal data is information about an individual from which an individual can be identified either directly or indirectly. but will not include the information of those who have died.
name-surname or nickname, ID number, passport number, social security card number, driver’s license number, taxpayer identification number, bank account number, credit card number. (Keeping a photocopy of your ID card or any other copy of the card that contains the above personal information can be used to identify an individual, therefore it is considered personal information.)
Device or device information can include an address, email, phone number, IP address, MAC address, or Cookie ID. Biometric information includes face images, fingerprints, X-ray films, iris scan data, voice identity data, and data heredity. information that identifies a person’s property, such as vehicle registration or title deeds. information that can be linked to the above information, such as date of birth and place of birth; race; nationality; weight; height; location information; information about doctors; education information; financial information; employment information. The reference number is stored on the microfilm.
While it is not possible to identify an individual, if used in conjunction with another index system, the individual can be identified. For example, performance evaluation data or the employer’s opinion of the employee’s work; log data used to monitor the activities of individuals, such as log files; and information that can be used to search for other personal information on the Internet.
In addition, there is another type of personal data that this Act gives importance to and has severe penalties in case of leakage to the public; sensitive personal data.
This includes racial, ethnic, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual behavior, criminal records, health, disability or mental health information, trade union information, genetic information, biometric information, or any other information that affects the owner of the information in the same way as announced by the committee.
It is information that has more severe penalties than general personal information. Because if sensitive personal information is leaked to the public, it will have more serious consequences for the data subject than other personal data.
It affects the rights and freedoms of individuals, such as the right to freedom of thought, religious belief, the right to life and physical integrity, habitation, and non-discrimination. This may cause more interference with the rights of freedom and discrimination in individual rights and freedoms than general personal data. For example, information about sexual behavior, race, religion, and criminal history. If leaked, this information will lead to bias and will have a much greater impact on personal life than general information.
Today, we have a lot of technological developments and the use of information. including personal data for online activities or transactions. Therefore, the country has issued a PDPA law to protect service providers’ data. PAPA stands for the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2019. It is a law that provides rights to personal data subjects to establish standards for keeping personal data safer.
What users or contributors will receive is the assurance that the information they provide will be used for their intended purpose and that their personal information will not be used for other purposes.
Credit : T-reg