Money Money Knock Everything, Baby only cash gives me all those wings. Nowadays, people with good financial or investment skills seem to have more advantage because those skills can make you earn some profit from your money. Let’s see the YouTube channels that have accurate information about financial and investment and are easy to understand.
SET, aka Stock Exchange of Thailand, is a source of financial and investment knowledge which has 320K Subscribers. An interesting knowledge is investment that is suitable for a rookie investor or people who do not know the meaning of investment vocabulary. It is also a channel that has gathered leading financial gurus in Thailand and is aimed at educating the general public.
Coach Noom (Jakkapong Mespun), The owner of The Money Coach Channel which has 425K subscribers. Highlight of The Money Coach is giving solutions to solve debt problems from his experience based on real events. The solution is practical and easy to understand. This channel also allows people to call him and give the solution directly for them as a remedy for people with the same or similar problems.
From a talented actor and moderator to an investment expert with 1.37M Subscribers. Highlights of this channel is the regularity of updating the news about the Thai economy situation for interested people and investors to prepare for digital marketing and Cryptocurrency. It also provides interesting articles and ideas of famous investors and billionaires for subscribers.
The Government’ knowledge source. Office of Insurance Commission or OIC by the Bank Of Thailand with 7.81K subscribers. Highlight of this channel is making complicated finances easy to understand by making VIDEO infographics such as the advice for salarymen in saving.
ouTube channel which has 280 EPs with 205K subscribers. It is packed with guests from various industries, including stock, kryptonite, credit cards, retirement plans, and many successful businessmen. Highlight of this channel is a short video which is easy to understand for people who like to watch short videos.
What do you think about these 5 YouTube Channels which are packed and diverse? From now on, financial matters that people think are difficult and far away can easily find knowledge and be chosen according to their suitability.