Another method to make great marketing is using Hashtag because people on the internet mostly find their interest through searching the Hashtag. Hashtag is often seen in social media such as IG, Facebook and Twitter. Today, ACU PAY will share some information to new sellers about techniques of how to use Hashtag and increase our sales without spending any money. Let’s take a look together.
A word or phrase relating to the subject that is intended to be conveyed with # before and after the word or phrase. Ideal for use on social media to make it easier for people interested in these topics to search and find our posts. For example, it’s about making Glass Noodle Salad, the Hashtag should be #Glass Noodle Salad #cooking method, #cooking etc. A hash tag can be added before the message between messages, or at the end of a message as appropriate.
One of the things about marketing content is that it needs to update the news, so a proper hashtag to use is the hashtag which was a hot issue at that time. How to know which hashtag is in trend at that moment? You can check the rank of hot hashtag use in Twitter. What’s gained from the use of an emerging hashtag is that our posts will be popular with that hashtag, as well as easy access to that brand.
You can use that brand or service hashtag, or you can use that specific campaign to build recognition for your customers. When they see the hashtag, they will know if it’s our brand or service. In addition, the promotion is free of any cost of marketing.
For example, TikTok has a technical rule that you shouldn’t use too many hashtags because they may be shadowed, viewed as spam, bot and easily blocked. It is recommended that you do not use more than 10 hashtags and must be an accessible hash tag. It should not be too difficult to use because people will not click to search.
The rule to use hashtag are; Hashtag should be short, easy, apply # sign and do not need to leave space between the mark and the words, should not use any other sign in Hashtag. To use Hashtag effectively, it should be used by public account to allow people to see the post.