Anyone who likes to win a prize and likes challenges but doesn’t want to waste money on a regular lucky draw. We recommend you buy the saving lottery ticket . Once you buy the saving lottery ticket, you can win a prize of up to 30 million baht. Even if you don’t win the prize, you can still get interest from the deposit. So what kind of saving lottery is more worth it? ACU PAY will compare for you.
Saving Lottery is a type of savings lottery product that is considered to be a long-term saving from GSB. The form follows the maturity of deposits such as 1 year and 2 years. Depositors will receive interest from the bank when the deposit is due and at the specified rate and also a chance to win the prize. The prizes range from tens to millions of Baht. The advantage of the saving lottery deposit is that if you do not win the prize, the money does not disappear. If the deposit is completed on conditions, you can still get the principal back with interest.
1 Year Digital Special Savings Lottery\
The 18 times, 20 baht per unit, and one-year digital lottery will be awarded every month for 12 months, the first prize worth 3 million baht and many other prizes. Individuals’ prize money and interest will not be taxed. If the deposit reaches maturity, the bank will automatically transfer principal and interest into a deposit account.
1-Year Savings Lottery
People who have the right to open an account: Individuals aged 15 years and older.
Lottery age: 1 year (right to win 12 times)
Unit price: 20 baht
Interest Details: One-year deposit, no interest.
Interest rate in case of default of deposit conditions: Deposits do not last 3 months, deducting a discount of 0.50 baht per unit.
Special Award: Every 3 months, 4 times
Reward Receipt: The prize money is transferred to the deposit account in case it is called a double transfer account the day after the award is issued.
Expiration lottery: Transfer the expiration lottery money and interest (if applicable) to a deposit account in case of Double transfer account.
Prize money
The 1st prize, once issued: 3,000,000 baht
The 2nd prize, once issued: 100,000 baht
The 3rd prize is issued 5 times: 2,000 baht
The 4th prize is issued 10 times: 800 baht.
The 5th prize is issued 15 times: 200 baht.
The 4 final numbers are awarded twice: 40 baht.
Special prize 20 times: 100,000 baht
Set the period and alphabetical category only for the 1st prize, 2nd prize, and special prize.
2-Year Savings Lottery
The 237 times, 100 baht per unit, 2-year digital savings lottery will be awarded every month for 24 months. The first prize is worth 30 million baht and also many other prizes. The individual prize and interest will not be taxed. If the deposit reaches maturity, the bank will automatically transfer the principal and interest into a deposit account.
People who have the right to open an account: Individuals aged 15 years and older.
Lottery age: 2 year (right to win 24 times)
Unit price: 100 baht
Interest Details: Deposits for 2 years will receive 0.30 baht per unit (0.150% per year).
Interest rate in case of default of deposit conditions: Deposits do not last 6 months, deducting a discount of 2.00 baht per unit. Deposit not last for 2 years, no interest
Award Issuance: Every 1st day of the month (except January and May, awards are issued on December 31 and May 2).
Interest Payment Period: Interest is paid at the end of the deposit period by transferring it to a deposit account in case it is called a double transfer account
Reward Receipt: The prize money is transferred to the deposit account in case it is called a double transfer account the day after the award is issued.
Expiration lottery: Transfer the expiration lottery money and interest (if applicable) to a deposit account in case of Double transfer account.
The 1st prize, once issued: 30,000,000 baht
The 2nd prize, once issued: 1,000,000 baht
The 3rd prize is issued 5 times: 10,000 baht
The 4th prize is issued 10 times: 3,000 baht.
The 5th prize is issued 15 times: 1,000 baht.
The 4 final numbers are awarded once: 200 baht.
The 3 final numbers are awarded once: 40 baht.
Special prize 20 times: 100,000 baht
Set the period and alphabetical category only for the 1st prize and 2nd prize
To compare which is more worthwhile, you have to look at the purpose of the lottery. Those who have a lot of money and like to win prizes and want to win prizes are recommended to buy a 2-year savings lottery because they have a higher chance of winning than the 1-year savings lottery and get 0.05% interest. On the other hand, if there is little money power, you may try to deposit it in a 1-year savings lottery but if you want to deposit and get a lot of interest money and don’t like to win prizes, it is recommended to deposit money in other forms such as savings deposits and regular deposits.
1-Year Digital Savings Lottery: If you want to win every time, you have to buy 200,000 baht (10,000 units) at once. You will win the 4 final numbers every time and receive a prize of 40 baht each. There are 2 rounds of spin at each time and will get 80 baht per time or 960 baht or 0.48% per annum.
2-Year Digital Savings Lottery: If you want to win every time, you have to buy 100,000 Baht (1,000 units) at once. You will win the 3 final numbers every month and get 40 baht per prize or 480 Baht per year plus 0.30 Baht per unit interest which is 0.63% in total per annum.