
Get to know animals in Stock Market

Stock market or investment is like a forest where there are investors as predators. This time, ACU PAY will take you to know which kind of investors you are by comparing you with these 10 animals. Please share your answer with us!

1. Wolf

Wolf refers to investors or traders who are so sophisticated and intelligent that they are ready to create a scandalous legend in the investment industry. They often use unethical methods of making money, such as participating in investment fraud.

For example, Jordan Belfort, the owner of the name “The Wolf Of The Wall Street”, once speculated stock in the stock market until it became a scandal in the Wall Street industry.

In addition, when many people join forces to speculate stock in the stock market, we will call this market a “wolf market.” For example, investors may use wolf-hunting strategies to sell a company’s Short Stock to destroy its value.


กวางตัวผู้มีลักษณะตามธรรมชาติคือ ทำตามสัญชาตญาณและเป็นผู้ใหญ่ ในทำนองเดียวกัน ลักษณะของคนกลุ่มนี้จะมองหาผลกำไรระยะสั้นโดยการซื้อและขายหุ้นอย่างรวดเร็ว เพราะต้องการเงินทุนสภาพคล่องจำนวนมาก นอกจากนี้ นักลงทุนกลุ่มนี้มักเป็นที่รู้จักในการจับตาดูหุ้นที่พวกเขาต้องการลงทุนอย่างกระตือรือร้นและมีความรู้ เป็นที่รู้กันว่าคนกลุ่มนี้มีความสามารถในการเปลี่ยนตลาดหมีให้เป็นตลาดกระทิงหรือกลับตลาดได้

3. Pig

“Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered” is an ancient warning in Wall Street that warns investors not to be too greedy. 

Pig indicates investors or traders with low patience, ready to take risks, greedy, and sensitive. This group of investors rarely analyze, but they will always find a shortcut to quickly make money. It’s a shame that these investors end up at a loss. However, some of them can make profits as well.

4. Rabbit

This animal is used in describing characteristics of traders that buy stock to speculate profits in a short period and will find opportunities to make fast income for the stock market during the day. 

For example, we buy a stock at 11.00 am. with an estimate that this stock will rise in a short time. Within a few hours, the value of that stock rises and we sell that stock immediately on the same day after receiving the profit.  

However, these people are often quick to make decisions that ignore the consequences and possibilities of the future. This trade requires a lot of good luck because there is a high risk of loss.

5. Turtle

A turtle is the opposite of a rabbit. This group are investors who are slow in buying, and selling, and only trades within the timeframe. These investors do not care about the short-term fluctuations but are more concerned about long-term returns. They choose to invest in securities that grow slowly. 

No matter how much the fluctuations in the market are, the turtle can survive for a long period and can receive higher returns if they are particularly eager. 


The snail is people who tend to be satisfied with the low return on bank deposits, or maybe they don’t even care about having accounts in financial institutions. They don’t understand that their cash is going to continue to depreciate from inflation.

7. Chicken

Chicken refers to those who are afraid of the stock market and do not take any risks. They stay away from market risks and stick to a conservative instrument such as fixed deposit, bond, bank deposit, and government securities.

8. Sheep

Sheep are people who stick to a certain form of investment and will not change due to the market condition. They tend to favor most people’s opinions (flock) and often follow the guru’s advice or follow random trends without considering whether that kind of money investment is appropriate for them.

9. Shark

Shark is a red flag for investors because it indicates danger. This group often seduces retail investors with promises of high profitability from unclear stocks. Sharks often work together as a group. They tend to push the stock price by trading among themselves. When that price goes up so much, they leave it to the buyers who are unaware and eventually leave.

10. Whale

Whale in the sense of the stock market is a group of investors who trade a lot of stocks which is enough to drive the market. They are not individuals but are usually large institutional investors with a lot of pocket money such as banks, hedge funds, and mutual funds. Whales can push prices up or down depending on whether they’re buying or selling. Retailers need to see what whales are doing to see which direction the market is heading.

It can be seen that the characteristics of comparing all animals in the stock market have different investment styles. People can have the same habits as many animals. Some people may start with chickens and turn into deer, too. Every investment has its risks. Things that should be prepared for that risk are education, enough knowledge, and an understanding of investment which will always keep us ready to take that risk.

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