Let’s look at the deep behavior and investment lifestyle of the new generation from a survey of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University What attitudes and approaches do the new generations have towards investment and financial management?
This survey was to study and compare the behaviors of people aged 18–39 living in Bangkok and metropolitan areas and major cities in each region. currently studying or finishing high school or vocational education.
The new generation still places a high emphasis on financial planning and savings. And they are always looking for other sources of income besides their full-time job. both doing business and investing in the capital markets. It was found that the new generation in the age group of 18–29 years also had a high level of investment planning before the age of 30.
The survey reveals that general population representatives tend to avoid high-risk investments despite the potential for high profits. and afraid to invest if there is no financial readiness or after seeing others fail.
While the Insights group, especially the 18-29 years old group, is the most prepared to take risks and invest in the capital market.
Population Representative: the parents are the primary role model. followed by businessmen and individuals in the entertainment industry. It shows that this group wants to run a business and wants to be successful and rich.
While insights group’s role models in life are an investment guru and a foreign businessman,
These two groups have very different role models that have a significant impact on investment decisions. Therefore, investment public relations should choose the person that is suitable for the target audience.
The survey results indicated that the majority of the population representatives keep the money in a fixed deposit and often invest in life insurance. before investing in ordinary shares next.
The Insights group has different interests. That is, before investing in common stocks, they will go through a short-term training course or study. and tend to invest in foreign stocks.
The key insights also found that everyone has their own way of diversifying their investment portfolios.
The representatives of the population group are interested in investing in informal assets, while the Insights group is interested in investing in formal assets, including “investment paths that are important in investment forecasting, policy making, or effective public relations.”
The survey found that investors’ attitudes vary by age. in terms of savings, data use, risk, and entrepreneurship. But everyone makes decisions based on current situations rather than past experience.
In other words, people of different ages may have similar behaviors or attitudes in the same situation. Furthermore, it was found that the new generation connects politics, the economy, and society together. and focus on issues of fairness, such as the equal distribution of income.
Interested parties can click on the slide for more details, see the full research summary slide at the slide, and view the SET: Capital Market Research event.