Anyone who loves northeast food should not miss this content because we’ll bring two of the best menus that everyone knows which are Jim Joom and Jaew Hon to talk about their deliciousness and the differences. As for those who are eating lovers, prepare well because ACU PAY will soon have a new show about food and supplies for everyone to watch. One of them will have a great restaurant that sells Jaew Hon and Jim Joom. Please Stay tuned. But now let’s look at the difference between these two menus.
Let’s start with the soup color which is a clear soup. The main ingredient of the soup is from spice in Tom Yum and Pork bone broth. The broth will be different depending on individual preference. The ingredients that are brought together are beef, pork and cow’s intestine along with white lettuce, cabbage, basil and spinach. There are 2 sauces which are Suki Sauce and Jaew Sauce, but it is recommended to eat with Jaew Sauce for a better taste. Today, we’re going to give you a little Jim Joom recipe in case anyone sees it and tries to follow through.
Ingredients of soup: 1 cube of soup cube, 1 kilogram of soup bone, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of white soy sauce, ½ cup of kaffir lime leaves, red onion ½ cup, garlic ½ cup, 2-3 liters of water.
Ingredients of Jaew Sauce: 2 tablespoons of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of roasted rice, 3 tablespoon of fish juice, red onion ½ cup, 1 cup of wet tamarind juice, 2-3 limes (at your preference), 2-3 tablespoons of coconut sugar, parsley ½ cup
1.Add coconut sugar and fish water to mix until sugar dissolves.
2.Then add wet tamarind juice, followed by squeezing fresh lemonade evenly.
3.Then add chili powder as you like
4.Decorated with red onions, roasted rice, and parsley.
The color of the soup will be a bit darker. The main ingredients are from herbs, spices in Tom Yum, cow and pig’s blood and marrow gut which give a little bitter taste. The meat that is popular to cook with Jaew Hon is beef and pork. As for the sauce, it will be the same ingredient as Jim Joom Sauce, but especially when you add marrow gut that gives a bit of bitterness to the spicy. Next, let’s look at how to make Jaew Hon.
Ingredients of soup: 4 liters of water, 500 grams of katang and leng bones each, 1 cube of pork soup cube, 2 smashed lemongrass, 5-6 glasses of sliced galangal, 5 shredded kaffir lime leaves, 5 chopped onions, 1 ladle of fish and ½ tablespoon of sugar, pork, or cow’s blood.