
5 Reasons that cause hair fall and tips to have healthy hair

Help! From a girl with beautiful thick hair to a girl with thin hair or a bald boy OMG! Does anyone have a problem about the hair clogs in the water pipes whenever you wash your hair? Hair fall more than a thousand a day is not a joke anymore. This problem cannot be left out for long, so ACU will show you the reasons why our hair falls and how to keep our hair healthy and silky with less hair fall.

The reasons why your hair fall

Normally, our hair will fall approximately 50-100 per day which is a way of replicating hair cells, called hair lifecycles. Did you know that big and thick hair can be up to 30 years old? Let’s see what causes the hair to fall. 

1. Comb while your hair is wet. 

It is a time that your hair will be weak. Combing or rubbing your hair hard can damage your hair and make too much friction until the hair gets too dry.

2. Stress

Stress causes hair to fall faster. When you’re stressed, many people tend to express themselves physically whether they touch their hair or pull their hair, causing them to fall out in patches. In addition, stress causes abnormal immunity.

3. Congenital

It is a genetic factor that causes hair loss. It is found in males because males have hormones that make their hair shorter than normal and lack of hair growth control. Hair loss increases depending on age.

4. Eating spicy food, drinking alcohol, and smoking.

Spicy food causes high blood pressure causing the blood vessels to contract and lower the hair follicles, causing the root to become weak and easily worn out, as well as drinking alcohol and smoking, resulting in blood circulation.

How to keep your hair healthy

  1. It is recommended to use keratin-containing hair care products because keratin helps absorb substances and also provides healthy, soft, and beautiful hair.
  2. Wash your hair properly. It should not be washed with warm or hot water because it dries the scalp which can cause hair to fall easily.
  3. Adjust your lifestyle, go out, and do stress-relieving activities, whether you exercise or do activities that you especially enjoy.
  4. Adjust food intake, soften the taste of food, and choose foods that reduce high blood pressure so that blood can nourish hair better.

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