Organ donation has become normal these days because it seems like people try to do something good for one last time, which is donating organs to give someone’s new life. Recently, there has been a social controversy over organ donation like “heart” about how long does it take to transfer the organs and how long does the heart last for the moving. Thus, today we are going to inform you about “Heart, an organ that needs to transplant within 4 hours”
The heart is an organ in which the muscles pump blood to various parts of the body. The heart consists mainly of the heart muscle and connective tissue. The heart muscle is a striated muscle that is outside mental power. Found only in the heart and allows the heart to pump blood with a position in the center of the chest rather slightly left.
Cardiac Arrhythmia: The heart beats slowly or faster than usual, the heart trembles, easily tired, tights the chest, and has a dizziness that seems to be faint.
The heart or lung transplant is the organ that will not be preserved for more than four hours from the closure of the donor’s heart blood pathway to the opening of a new heart surgery blood pathway for transplant recipients. Therefore, there must be good coordination on organ transport between the donor surgical team and the transplant team. The probability of heart transplant resistance is between 10-15 percent, which can lead to a chronic fever, pain, or heart attack.
A new heart will be obtained from the brain death patient who donated organs and has to receive consent from relatives. Organ donation, not only the heart, is considered a great philanthropy in the last part of life as well.