
Office syndrome; A popular salarymen disease that should be treated quickly.

Anyone who is a salaryman should check this out whether you have an office syndrome or not! This is quite popular among office workers because the cause of it is from sitting for too long or sitting in an inappropriate position. Today, ACU PAY will tell you about the courses and solution for “Office Syndrome” Let’s start.

What is office Syndrome?

Office syndrome is a type of pain in muscles along the body and connective tissue, which is often caused by repeated use of that muscle for a long period. If you leave it behind, muscle inflammation occurs in organs such as the neck, back, shoulder, arm, or wrist. Office syndrome if left for a long time, can increase pain and become chronic.

The cause of office syndrome can be 2 factors, whether it is from one’s own body or environmental condition. The details are as follows:

  • Physical conditions such as sitting in the same posture over and over again for a long time, not enough rest, or using too much eyesight on the computer.
  • Environmental conditions such as tables, and chairs are not suitable to cause pain and cause office syndrome.

How to check whether you have “Office Syndrome” or not.

  1. During work, is there pain to the point of taking painkillers?
  2. Can’t even read the computer screen or have a blurry vision
  3. During work, I feel pain in my neck and shoulder all the time.
  4. Sitting still and working six hours a day.

What kind of symptoms are called office syndrome?

  • Back pain, sitting on a humpback during work or doing activities for long hours, causing neck tiredness and constriction.
  • Shoulder pain is caused by sitting in the same seat or staying in the same position until compression occurs.
  • Eye pain, blurred vision, is caused by staring at the computer for a long time.
  • Headaches, which are caused by stress and excessive use of eyes to stare at computers for long periods.
  • Wrist pain, Trigger Finger, can be caused by pressing your phone or holding a mouse in the same posture for a long time, resulting in nerve impression and inflammation.

A cure for Office Syndrome.

  1. Exercising regularly: It helps stretch muscles, relieve pain in the body.
  2. Correcting the sitting posture: work in a sitting posture that suits your body
  3. Adjust behavior: Such as staring at the computer for several hours in a row, can adjust to work for an hour and take five to 10 minutes to relax the eye muscles and rest your eyes.
  4. Taking medication or seeing a doctor for counseling: If following the above and still suffering, it may be necessary to consult a specialist to get treatment for office syndrome according to the doctor’s procedure.

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