
Drink milk and have an upset stomach. If you’re not allergic to milk, then what’s the cause?

       Have any of you had an upset stomach after drinking milk? Sometimes the cause is unknown and the milk may not be the reason because it has not expired yet. Also, you will have a stomach ache every time after drinking milk. Today, ACU PAY will share the cause of this symptom for you guys. 

       Milk is a dairy product that can be seen in our daily life. Some people love to drink milk but some cannot drink it at all. Milk allergy is not the only symptom. It is divided into two major types: drinking milk and getting diarrhea and milk allergy. Both symptoms are different, caused by different causes and there are different solutions.

Drinking milk and getting diarrhea

The diarrhea is caused by the body producing insufficient enzymes to digest sugar in milk, leaving it as a gas or residual waste in the gastrointestinal system. Symptoms that occur are associated with the gastrointestinal system, such as nausea, vomiting, bloated stomach, stomachache and diarrhea.

Milk Allergy

Symptoms that do not have diarrhea and show abnormal symptoms occur through the immune system. Most of them are allergic to certain proteins in milk. Symptoms that occur are associated with the immune system, such as rashes, and swollen faces. If the symptoms are severe, it may be tight on the chest, suffocate, and die.

Drinking milk after meals will not make you get diarrhea.

Such a shame that people who have diarrhea after drinking milk decided to stop drinking it because it will cause a lot of impact on the body. Since our body does not intake milk, it can cause calcium deficiency. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone who has diarrhea or other symptoms after drinking milk should turn to milk after each meal instead. Avoid drinking milk while your stomach is empty. This is so that there is no gas in your stomach at the same time that it makes you feel sick.

Milk allergy is not a big deal

In the past, there was almost no chance to drink milk, but there are many dairy products that solve both of these symptoms. For example, lactose-free milk or vegetable-based milk that has good protein and nutrients that are nutritious as the same as cow’s milk. There are also other products available at pharmacies. If you want to eat dairy products that are suitable for you, you can consult a pharmacist at the pharmacy or an expert so that you can still drink milk and choose a safe product for yourself.

Anyone who used to get diarrhea after drinking milk please do not stop drinking it because our body will lack calcium. It is recommended to drink after meals or drink in a little amount at a time. You should not drink milk while your stomach is empty and for those who are allergic to milk should drink milk which is suitable to your health conditions.

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