“Gold” is a desirable thing for people for sure. Especially in the present time where the price of gold reaches 30,000 baht per Baht. In the last 5 years, the price of gold was only 19,000 baht per Baht. Its price rose for about 11,000 baht compared to the past. Gold units and gold standards are something that the new buyers need to know before buying.
When buying gold no matter if it is a gold bar or gold ornament, the gold will be measured and we need to buy it in Baht units. However, there are also other units that are used in gold measuring like gram or oz. The gold unit will be used differently among countries all over the world.
In the past, there was a unit called Fuang. 1 Fuang equals half of the dime which is called Hoon. Hoon is less than a dime such as 10 Hoon equals 1 dime.
The percent of the gold or pure gold can be divided into 2 types, one is 96.5% pure gold and the other is 99.99%pure gold. These 2 types are used for different usage.
The reason why the gold bar is heavy and has a better price in purchasing is because it is not complicated to make. It can be pulled directly into a mold and have almost the whole weight of gold in it. On the other hand, gold ornaments will lose some gold weight in the procedure to make it and it has to count the weight of the borax.