
Pink used to be for boys and blue for girls

People have used colors to express many different meanings, including their emotions, personalities, social statuses, and genders of men and women since a long time ago. It can be seen that in the present time, colors are used to distinguish the genders of the baby. Many parents prefer playing games to guess what gender their child will be. If it’s ‘blue’, the baby will be ‘male’, ‘pink’ will be ‘girl.’ However, during a certain era, the color of girls and boys are not the same as in the modern time. Today, ACU PAY will take you to know more about the colors of boys and girls. Let’s start!

The era before using color to distinguish genders

The values of color that tell the gender of boys and girls were first formed among people who called themselves white or European people. Originally, colors were not used to define children’s genders. The new born babies would wear white clothes which were the same color as a diaper. When they were 6 – 7 years old, they would begin to wear colorful clothing, but it was not yet classified what color this gender needed.

In the late 19th century, colors were used to define genders

During this period, there was a belief about color and sex. Since red reflects courage and strength, white has been added to the mix to reduce the severity of shades while blue means gentle and bright just like the sky. Therefore, there was a belief that if you want your son to grow up to be a man, let the child wear pink clothes and if you want your daughter to grow up to be a woman, let her wear blue clothes. In other words, pink suited children with brown hair and brown eyes, while blue suited children with golden hair and blue eyes.

In 1918, In a journal of The Infants’ Department, there was an article called “Pink or Blue.” In that article, pink was more appropriate for men because pink showed both strength and more determination while blue is gentle, so it should be the color of girls. This article had a strong influence on men wearing pink and women wearing blue at events during that time.

First Lady and pink

After World War II, in 1953, Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhowe inaugurated as President of the United States. In the inauguration, Mamie Doud Eisenhower who was First Lady at that time wore a pink dress at the event. She said that she looks good in pink because it makes her blue eyes more beautiful. She also liked pink so much that a pink house was set up to welcome journalists. People paid a lot of attention to her till the use of color in distinguishing genders of children occurred again. In this period, pink was for girls and blue was for boys. In addition to color, there is also a separation of children’s toys according to gender.

The 20th Centuries, A turning point

In 1960 – 1970, it was an era of widespread calling out for gender equality with the names of those who called out “feminists”. People wear clothes to children of various colors to express their diversity and unspecified gender. As a result, the Unisex trend has become popular and the gender and color trends have faded.

A comeback

The trend of colors used to determine gender came back in 1980 when medicine advanced till it could identify the gender of the fetus. As a result, parents started to buy clothes and items in blue and pink again. Thus, many brands took advantage of this opportunity to advertise their products. 

The story of pink and blue in determining genders is a human-made value. No color in the world determines or limits gender. Clothes themselves are the same, they do not have genders. ACU PAY encourages you to be confident and not to worry about wearing clothes you like. Finally, let you fall in love with the person in a mirror and live your life for your happiness.

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Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand

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